Figure 2.
Modifications to the unstable equilibrium under nonrandom mating due to difference in male fitness (NR), assortative mating (AM), and sperm competition (SC) (with remating frequency, pm, labeled on the graph). The estimate of unstable equilibrium when there is random mating and no SC was assumed to be 0.3, given by sf and sh of 0.3 and 1, respectively. β in general (except for AM) refers to relative fitness of infected to uninfected males (Aedes aegypti) under NR, βnr, or SC, βsc. NR occurs under the scenario when infected males are βnr times likely than uninfected males to mate with females (infected or uninfected). The lines labeled with values (just above the line) are under the SC only model for which the values equate to the remating frequency. Under the AM model (note that the line above the number 1 is part of the AM model), β is the relative frequency of mate pairing between nonidentical infection states, to mate pairing between identical infection states. At β = 0.4286 (vertical dotted line), both NR and AM models modify the unstable equilibrium to 0.5. This figure appears in color at