Figure 5.
Venn diagram showing taxonomic distribution of subtilisin-like serine protease clusters of major insect and nematode-pathogenic fungal genera. Black circles correspond to clusters with number of S8A proteases for each cluster, and the placement within the Venn diagram correspond to the taxonomic groups contributing sequences to a specific cluster. The asterisk (*) marks the 11 members of the new bacillo-peptidase like cluster C described within the order Entomophthorales (subphylum: Entomophthoromycotina). Entomophthoromycotina encompasses SLSP’s found in the genera: Basidiobolus, Conidiobolus, Entomophthora, and Pandora. Hypocrealean entities consist of SLSP’s in the MEROPS database from the genera: Cordyceps, Metarhizium, Ophiocordyceps, and Nematode trapping fungi are MEROPS SLSP’s found in the genera: Arthrobotrys and Monacrosporium.