Fig 4. Spectral comparisons between Hawaiian reef soundscapes and the snapping-shrimp dominated soundscape at the Scripps Pier in La Jolla, CA.
(A) Normalized, intensity filtered pressure spectral density levels recorded at midday local time during sunny days on shallow Hawaiian reefs (colored lines) plotted with similarly filtered levels obtained during crepuscular chorusing of snapping shrimp communities on the Scripps pier (black line with grey shading underneath). (B) Logarithmic spectral level differences between crepuscular pier and midday Hawaiian reef soundscapes in Fig 4A. Note that 3 dB represents a doubling or halving of the spectral level difference in each frequency bin. Hawaii locations are identified as follows: FFS–French Frigate Shoals; Kure–Kure Atoll; Big I.–Ke’ei Beach, Big Island Hawaii; Lis.–Lisianski Island; Oahu–Lai’e Beach, Oahu, Hawaii; Maui–La Perouse Bay, Maui, Hawaii; PHR–Pearl and Hermes Reef; Kauai–Tunnels Beach, Kauai, Hawaii.