Table 1. Correlations between EQ scores and severity of childhood traumas.
EQ total | Cognitive Empathy | Affective Empathy | Social Skills | |
Death | .19** | .15* | .13 | .11 |
Parental upheaval | .20* | .10 | .20** | .09 |
Sexual abuse | .18 | .09 | .26* | .08 |
Violence | .27* | .08 | .10 | .25* |
Other | .24* | .10 | .23* | .06 |
Note: Cell entries are zero-order correlations between severity of childhood traumas and self-rated empathy scores. Ns = 188 (Death); 163 (Parental upheaval); 86 (Sexual abuse); 69 (Violence); and 107 (Other).
*p < .05
** p < .01.