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Table 1.

Genomic parameters of hepatitis A virus (HAV) compared to poliovirus (PV)

GCa GC3b CpGc GpCd ENCe RCDIf AA coded by rare codonsg Total rare codonsh
HAV 37 26 0.36 2.93 39 1.70 15 27
PV 46 47 2.68 4.64 54 1.14 5 8

aGC: % GC.

bGC3: % GC at the third position.

cCpG: % CpG dinucleotide.

dGpC: % GpC dinucleotide.

eENC: Effective number of codons.

fRCDI: Relative codon deoptimization index.

gNumber of different amino acids (AAs) coded by rare codons.

hTotal number of different rare codons used.