Fig. 3. Kinetic profile of eyeblink CRs during CS-only trials at the end of training.
(A) Mouse individual average (colored) and total average (black) eyeblink traces of CS-only trials in the probe session following acquisition. Mouse eye video captures show eyelid closure ranging from 0 (fully open) to 1 (fully closed). GluR2Δ7-L7-Δγ2 mice have significantly smaller FEC values than the other three groups. (B) Peristimulus histogram plots with a Gaussian kernel density estimate (black dashed line) showing the distribution of CR onset (dark filled bars) and CR peak time (light filled bars) relative to CS and US onset in paired CS-US trials for session 11 (probe). Green dashed lines indicate CS onset, and red dashed lines denote US onset; light green and light red fill indicate CS and US duration, respectively. (C) Mice carrying the GluR2Δ7-L7-Δγ2 mutation have significantly lower FEC values than the three other groups. In addition, L7-Δγ2 mice have significantly lower FEC values than control mice. FEC value is based on all CS-only trials in the probe session and represents the highest peak in the CS-US interval. (D and E) No significant difference was established for the average latency to CR onset and latency to CR peak. Both CR onset and CR peak time are based only on trials in which a CR was present (that is, FEC > 0.1 in the CS-US interval). Green dashed lines indicate CS onset, and red dashed lines denote US onset; light green and light red fill indicate CS and US duration, respectively. (F and G) No significant difference was established for CV values on CR amplitude and latency to CR onset. (H) As can be noted in the raw traces in (A), L7-Δγ2 mice have a more jittery CR peak time, which results in a significantly higher CV value compared to the other three groups. In all panels, we refer to “CR” if only trials with an FEC > 0.1 are included and to “FEC” if all trials are included. For complete statistics, we refer to table S2; *P < 0.05.