Figure 1. Community composition in cervical cancer and healthy adjacent sites.
(A) PCoA of unweighted unifrac comparing microbiota of samples from cervical cancer (n = 52), healthy cervix (n = 17), vagina (n = 76), stool (n = 28), and skin (n = 55). (B) Bar chart of mean relative abundance of genera in cervical cancer biopsies, cytobrush from healthy ectocervical mucosa, and swab from healthy posterior vaginal fornix. Genera are arranged in descending order of mean relative abundance in cervical cancer samples from bottom to top of the bar chart. Genera with mean relative abundance <0.5% across the three sites are grouped into “Other” found at bottom of bar chart. (C) Phylogenetic tree indicating the relationship and mean relative abundance (blue color intensity) of various genera in cervical cancer samples. The size of node and its label indicate the number of OTUs belonging to that taxonomy.