The CDL molecule is important for the NDUFA4 binding. a Cryo-EM density of the CDL molecule in human CIV monomer. b Comparison of the CDL molecule in human CIV monomer with molecules in former CIV crystal structures that clash with CDL. All the molecules are shown in stick. Blue circle indicates the position of cholic acid, CDL is colored cyan, and the position of PGV is indicated, respectively. Molecules from PBD ID: 1V54, 2DYR, 2EIJ, 2Y69, 2ZXW, 5XDQ, and 5B1A are color red, magenta, yellow, salmon, gray, slate, and orange, respectively. c CDL interacts with NDUFA4. CDL is shown in yellow sticks. Residues and subunits directly involved in CDL binding are labeled and shown in stick and cartoon, respectively