Fig. 4.
Exclusive-OR (XOR) logic operation with MEMS Fano-metasurface and its significance in cryptographic wireless communication networks. a–d Measured far-field THz transmission spectra of the MEMS Fano-metasurface showing the XOR logic feature in the form of presence/absence of Fano resonance (at 0.56 THz) for various structural/voltage states of the SRRs. a, d show the symmetric configuration of the structures (00 and 11) that signifies the absence of Fano resonance excitation (F = 0), whereas b, c represent the asymmetric configuration of the structures (10 and 01) that results in the excitation of Fano resonance feature (F = 1) in the sample. e Pictorial representation of realizing the OTP secured wireless communication channel by performing the XOR logic operation to encode the private message (m) with the secret key (k) and is sent through the public channel as optical signals. The message is retrieved securely (decrypted) at the destination end by performing the inverse XOR operation on the measured optical states (F) with the secret key (k). The structural/voltage states of SRR-1 and SRR-2 are expressed as OTP secret key (k) and the private message (m), respectively, whereas the secured data is transmitted through public channel in the form of optical bits (F)