Fits to simulated DEER data generated using a single Gaussian to model P(R) (r0 = 32.5 Å and σr = 2.5 Å). Data were simulated for t = −128 to +2400 ns with a time increment of 8 ns. Normally distributed random numbers with SD of either 0.005 or 0.050 were added as noise. (A) The simulated data (blue dots), the fits (solid black lines), and the best-fit background factor (dashed black lines) are shown. (B) The best-fit P(R) (solid black lines), the confidence band (2σ, shaded gray regions), and the true P(R) (dashed red lines) used to generate the simulated signal are shown. Only a portion of the full range (0–100 Å) of R is shown. The values of each of the fit parameters and their uncertainties are given in Table 2. To see this figure in color, go online.