Figure 3. LINC00152 is a cytoplasmic lncRNA that promotes cell invasion in U87 cells.
A) Western blot of Lamin A/C and Actin, markers of the nucleus and cytoplasm, respectively. B) qRT-PCR of LINC00152 and a cytoplasmic RNA marker, GAPDH, and a nuclear RNA marker, MALAT1. C) In-situ hybridization of LINC00152 in U87 and U251 cell lines; DRAIC lncRNA probes were used as negative control (“− control”). Purple color: positive signal. D) qRT-PCR showing knockdown of LINC00152 after treatment with two different siRNAs. E) Invasion assay with U87 cells after treatment with two different siRNAs against LINC00152; * p-value < 0.05. Pictures were adjusted by −20% in brightness and +40% in contrast. F) qRT-PCR showing overexpression of LINC00152 after transient overexpression. G) Invasion assay with U87 cells overexpressing LINC00152; * p-value < 0.05. Pictures were adjusted by +40% in contrast.