Figure 2. Ahr but not RORγt facilitates the induction of IL-17+ILC2s by IL-33.
(A–G) Mice with indicated genotypes were treated with IL-33 or papain (H and I). (A–I) Lung lymphocytes were isolated for analysis. (J to M) Lin− ST2+CD25+ ILC2s were purified and cultured with IL-7 and IL-33 for 7 days. (A, C, F, J and M) The expression of GATA3, ST2, IL-5, and IL-17 gated on Lin− cells of live lung lymphocytes was analyzed by flow cytometry. The percentages of IL-17+ (B, D, H and K) or IL-5+ (G, I and L) cells in Lin− GATA3+ (ILC2) from mice with indicated genotypes were calculated and shown. (E) The percentages of ILC2 in lymphocytes were shown. Ctrl included 2 Ahr+/− mice and 3 Ahr+/+ mice. (H and I) Ctrl includes 3 Ahr+/− mice and 5 Ahr+/+ mice. Error bars represent SEM. (A–M) Data are representative of at least two independent experiments.