Baseline Visit |
Lifestyle balance and social networking
Initiating physical activity and healthy diet
Set individual short- and long-term goals
Training tracking weight, physical activity and food/drinks using mobile technology
1 Month Visit |
Benefits and ways to be physically active
Filipino dancing – Zumba, cha cha
Benefits and ways to eati healthy
Limiting fat and healthy Filipino food options
2 Month Visit |
Social support for physical activity and diet
Problem solving: family events & eating out
Benefits of tracking health behaviors
Track physical activity via Fitbit Zip |
3 Month Visit
Transition to 3-month maintenance phase
Start 3-month Fit&Trim Intervention
Individual short- + long-term goals
Train on tracking weight, physical activity food/drinks with mobile app
Facebook Group Virtual Social Network
3 months Fit&Trim |
Monitored & moderated by research staff
Peer sharing messages and photos
Weekly posts: Healthy eating and physical activity education and discussion topics
Facebook group only @ 3–6 months |