Figure 1.
Overall survival for patients by (a) R stage, (b) T stage, (c) RPA model, (d) 8th AJCC model in training set; (e) RPA model, (f) 8th AJCC model in internal validation set; (g) LNR>0.078 and LNR<0.078 in R1 stage of RPA model; (h) 0<LNR<0.078 and R0 with eNs<5.5 of RPA model. (R0: LNR=0, R1: 0<LNR<0.24, R2: 0.24≤LNR<0.45 and R3: LNR≥0.45; T1: ≤2cm, T2:>2cm and ≤4cm, T3: >4cm; RPA: recursive partitioning analysis; LNR: positive lymph nodes ratio; eNs: examined lymph nodes; AJCC: American Joint Committee on Cancer)