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. 2018;19(8):2165–2170. doi: 10.22034/APJCP.2018.19.8.2165

Table 1.

Baseline Characteristics of the Study Participants (N= 2033)

Baseline characteristic Number Percentage
Age group (in years)
 18-45 1097 54.0
 46-60 595 29.3
 >60 341 16.8
 Males 1005 49.4
 Females 1028 50.6
 Hindu 1748 86.0
 Muslim 207 10.2
 Christian 78 03.8
Marital status
 Ever Married 1765 86.8
 Never married 268 13.2
Literacy status (years of schooling)
 <5 400 19.6
 5-10 1105 54.4
 >10 528 26.0
 Professional/White collar job 123 06.1
 Unskilled 909 44.7
 Housewife 752 37.0
 Others 249 12.2
Socio economic status
 Low 786 38.7
 Middle 1242 61.1
 High 5 00.2