Figure 3. DNA repair response to irradiation-induced DNA-breaks in adult mice retina.
( a) Immunofluorescence performed using anti-γH2AX and 53BP1 antibodies in mice retina 1hr after exposure to 5 Gyrase of ionizing radiation. γH2AX appears in all cell types in response to DNA breaks. 53BP only observed in the ganglion cell layer (GC) and inner strata of inner nuclear layer (INL) (see Figure 1a). Zoom in show foci formation in cells expressing 53BP1. ( b) H2AX phosphorylation in all retinal cell types is euchromatin specific. ( c) Kinetics of DNA repair in mice retina. Post-Irradiation, mice were sacrificed at indicated times and retinal sections were analysed for γH2AX and 53BP1. Left panel show all nuclear layers of retina; right panel show zoom in images to emphasize foci formation. Two mice were used for each condition, which were processed and stained together. Random image were taken using confocal microscope on each eye.