Appendix I.
Variable | Source |
HH sent migrant abroad during 5 years prior to Census (%) | IPUMS |
Maximum temperature, baseline (°C) | TerraPop |
Temperature change during retrospective window (°C) | TerraPop |
% months in window where temperature was... SDs above | TerraPop |
1 – 2 standard deviations | TerraPop |
2+ standard deviations | TerraPop |
Rainfall, baseline (mm/yr) | TerraPop |
Precipitation change during retrospective window (mm/yr) | TerraPop |
% months in window where precipitation was… SDs below | TerraPop |
1 – 2 standard deviations | TerraPop |
2+ standard deviations | TerraPop |
International migration intensity index (z-score) | CONAPO |
Marginalization index (z-score) | CONAPO |
Economic diversity index (0–1) | Population Census (100% data) |
State GDP growth, window relative to prior 5 years (%) | Economic Census |
Municipal farmland that is irrigated (%) | Agricultural Census |
Area of farmland planted with corn (sqm / 10 ha) | Agricultural Census |
Area of farmland planted with wheat (sqm / 10 ha) | Agricultural Census |
Area of farmland planted with soybeans (sqm / 10 ha) | Agricultural Census |
2,500 – 14,999 inhab. in locality (REF = less than 2,500) | IPUMS |
Municipal land classified as urban (%) | IPUMS |
HH members working in primary sector activities (%) | IPUMS |
HH members employed (%) | IPUMS |
Asset index (z-score) | IPUMS |
HH is owned by one of its members | IPUMS |
Schooling of HH head (years) | IPUMS |
HH income (in 1,000s MXN) | IPUMS |
Age of HH head (years) | IPUMS |
Children under 5 in HH (No.) | IPUMS |
IPUMS = 2000 & 2010 Mexican Population and Housing Census Long Form, 1% extract TerraPop: INSERT YEAR-YEAR Weather station data from the University of East Anglia’s CONAPO: Mexican National Population Council intensity indices calculated upon 2000 & 201 INEGI – Economic Census