A) Diffsel of validated variants in pairwise competition with wild-type influenza upon induction of XBP1s or ATF6f/XBP1s and increased temperature. Variants were considered ‘validated’ if the diffsel upon induction of XBP1s or ATF6f/XBP1s was significantly different from that upon increased temperature. (
B) Diffsel of non-validated variants in pairwise competition. (
C) Diffsel of synonymous mutants in pairwise competition. For (
A–C), the average of biological triplicates is plotted with error bars corresponding to SEM. Asterisks comparing selection conditions represent significance evaluated by Student’s
t-test, while asterisks comparing an individual selection condition to no selection (diffsel of zero) represent significance evaluated by a one-sample
t-test. For all significance tests, *, **, and *** represent two-tailed p-values≤0.05, 0.01, and 0.001, respectively; ‘ns’ corresponds to a p-value>0.05. Induction of UPR conditions in green corresponds to ΔUPR in
Figure 6; increased temperature conditions in blue correspond to Δ
T in
Figure 6.