Optogenetic Potentials Evoked by Apical Dendrite Stimulation of Layer 2/3 Pyramidal Neurons Are Reduced in Amplitude during Depolarized Phases of Slow Network Activity
(A) Reconstruction of example layer 2/3 pyramidal neuron showing the soma (black), apical dendrites (green), and basal dendrites (orange), with the apical dendrite two-photon stimulation spot highlighted by cyan arrowhead. Inset shows in vivo image of Alexa-Fluor-594-filled dendrite in red and optogenetic stimulation site in cyan.
(B) Overlaid mean OPap from two example cells shows a reduction in amplitude as neurons go from Vhyp (blue) to Vdep (red).
(C) Population average OPap shows reduction in amplitude during Vdep.
(D) Amplitude of OPap is significantly lower in Vdep compared to Vhyp; gray lines show data from individual cells, filled circles with error bars the mean ± SD.
(E) OPap half width is not significantly different between Vhyp and Vdep.
(F) No significant correlation between the ratio of the OPap amplitude in Vdep:Vhyp and the OPap Vhyp amplitude in awake (purple) and anesthetized (black). Black and purple lines are linear fits.