Monosynaptic Glutamatergic Input Modulation by Slow Network Activity
(A) Example in vivo two-photon image of two pyramidal neurons stained with Alexa Fluor 594; recording pipettes outlined with white dashed lines; right shows test for monosynaptic connectivity from the same example pair.
(B) Two example, averaged uEPSPs with different Vhyp (blue) amplitudes; the larger uEPSP (left) is decreased in Vdep (red) whereas the smaller uEPSP is increased (right).
(C) Population-averaged, overlaid uEPSPs during Vhyp and Vdep.
(D) No change in amplitude of uEPSPs in Vdep as compared to Vhyp across the population. Gray lines show data from individual cells, filled circles with error bars the mean ± SD.
(E) No change in half width of uEPSPs during Vdep and Vhyp across the entire population.
(F) Significant correlation between log10 of the Vhyp amplitude of uEPSPs and the ratio of amplitude Vdep:Vhyp, highlighting the amplification of small-amplitude uEPSPs during Vdep. Correlations performed on the amplitude ratio Vdep:Vhyp and log10 of the Vhyp uEPSP amplitude are shown. Open circles represent mean response from a single cell; black line is a single exponential fit.