Figure 6.
Amplification of Weak Basal Inputs Is Blocked by Intracellular Application of QX-314
(A) Biocytin reconstruction of example cell from basal dendrite optogenetic stimulation experiment, showing the apical (green) and basal (orange) dendrite, the axon (gray, truncated), and the optogenetic stimulation spot (cyan arrow). Inset shows in vivo image of Alexa-Fluor-594-filled dendrite in red and optogenetic stimulation site in cyan.
(B) Both large- and small-amplitude mean example OPbas show a reduction in amplitude from Vhyp (blue) to Vdep (red) during whole-cell recordings with 1 mM QX-314 in intracellular solution.
(C) Population mean OPbas during intracellular QX-314 application is reduced in Vdep.
(D) Vm increase as neurons transition from Vhyp to Vdep during experiments using intracellular QX-314. Gray lines show data from individual cells, filled circles with error bars the mean ± SD.
(E) A significant reduction of OPbas amplitude in Vdep compared to Vhyp.
(F) OPbas half width is significantly smaller in Vdep in comparison with Vhyp.
(G) No correlation between state modulation of OPbas amplitude and the log10 of Vhyp OP amplitude during QX-314 application (blue); significant correlation during MK-801 (light green) and D-890 (light orange) application. Open circles represent mean response from a single cell, blue line shows linear fit, and green and orange lines single exponential fit.
(H) The ratios of the Vdep:Vhyp amplitude for small-amplitude OPbas (<0.4 mV) are significantly different during intracellular QX-314 application, but not during MK-801 or D-890. Gray open circles show data from single cells; bars show mean ± SD.