Fig. 7.
DNA damage in neurons generated from normal and PD patient-derived SNCA-tri iPSC cells. A) Phase contrast image demonstrating generation of NPCs from iPSCs: (a) SNCA-tri iPSCs cultured in MEF feeder layer, (b) SNCA-tri iPSCs cultured in feeder free layer, (c) day 2, (d) day 4, (e) day 6 of neural induction for NPC derivation, (f) NPC at passage 3. The iPSC specific marker Oct4 and neural precursor markers nestin analyzed by immunoblotting (B). C) Immunofluorescence characterization with nestin and α-Syn protein expression. D) α-SYN mRNA quantitation in control versus SNCA-tri iPSC and NPC cells. E, F) LA-PCR analysis of genomic DNA isolated from control or SNCA-tri NPC cells exposed to 200 μM FeSO4 or CuSO4. ***p ≤ 0.001.