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. 2018 Sep 6;174(6):1450–1464.e23. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2018.07.002

Rat anti-HA (3F10) Roche Cat#11867431001; RRID: AB_390919
Mouse anti-Myc (9E10) Santa Cruz Cat#sc-40; RRID: AB_627268
Rabbit anti-Myc Sigma Cat#C3956; RRID: AB_439680
Rabbit anti-GFP Invitrogen Cat#11122; RRID: AB_221569
Rabbit anti-pan-Nrx Millipore Cat#ABN161; RRID: AB_10917110
Rabbit anti-V5 Millipore Cat#AB3792; PRID: AB_91591
Mouse anti-HS stub (3G10) AMSBIO LLC Cat# 370260; PRID: AB_10892311
Rabbit anti-β Actin Abcam Cat#ab8227; PRID: AB_2305186
Mouse anti-Bassoon Stressgen VAM-PS003; PRID: AB_10618753
Mouse anti-Synaptophysin BD Transduction Laboratories Cat# 611880; RRID: AB_399360
Rabbit anti-Synapsin I Millipore Cat#AB1543P; RRID: AB_90757
Mouse anti-vGlut1 NeuroMab Cat#N28/9; RRID: AB_2187693
Mouse anti-PSD-95 Thermo Scientific Cat#6G6-1C9; RRID: AB_325399
Guinea pig anti-VGAT Millipore Cat#AB5905; RRID: AB_2301751
Mouse anti-Gephyrin Synaptic Systems Cat#147021; RRID: AB_1279448
Chicken anti-MAP2 Abcam Cat#ab5392; RRID: AB_2138153
Mouse anti-Tau Millipore Cat#PC1C6; RRID: AB_94855
Rabbit anti-HRP Cedarlane Cat#CL7802AP; RRID: AB_2736848
Mouse anti-Dlg DSHB Cat#4F3; RRID: AB_528203
Rabbit anti-vGlut1 Synaptic Systems Cat#135303; RRID:
Mouse anti-NeuN Millipore Cat#MAB377;RRID:

Bacterial and Virus Strains

AAV6-GFP-4xshRNA This paper N/A
AAV6-rNrx-TKD This paper N/A

Chemicals, Peptides, and Recombinant Proteins

CNQX Abcam Cat#ab120044
DL-APV Abcam Cat#ab120271
Bicuculline methiodide Abcam Cat#ab120109
Tetrodotoxin (TTX) Abcam Cat#ab120054
SR95531 hydrobromide (Gabazine) Tocris Cat#1262
(R)-CPP Tocris Cat#0247
Tetrodotoxin (TTX) Tocris Cat#1069
Nrx1α-AP-Myc-His This paper N/A
Nrx1α-ΔHS-AP-Myc-His This paper N/A
PTN-hFc This paper N/A
hFc This paper N/A
HA-NL1-His This paper N/A
HA-NL1-RA-His This paper N/A
LRRTM2-AP-Myc-His This paper N/A
LRRTM2-RA-AP-Myc-His This paper N/A
Nrx1β LNS-hFc (Nrx1β-hFc) This paper N/A

Critical Commercial Assays

Heparinase I Sigma Cat# H2519
Heparinase II Sigma Cat# H6512
Heparinase III Sigma Cat# H8891
Bacteroides Heparinase I New England Biolabs • Cat# P0735L
Bacteroides Heparinase II New England Biolabs • Cat# P0736L
Bacteroides Heparinase III New England Biolabs • Cat# P0737L
Heparin agarose GE Healthcare • Cat# 17-0406-01
BS3-d0 (bis(sulfosuccinimidyl) suberate-d0) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 21590
Alexa Fluor 594 Hydrazide Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# A10438

Experimental Models: Cell Lines

Human: HEK293 cells ATCC Cat#CRL-1573
Monkey: COS7 cells ATCC Cat#CRL-1651
Rat: embryonic day 18 cortical primary neuron culture This paper N/A
Rat: embryonic day 18 hippocampal primary neuron culture This paper N/A

Experimental Models: Organisms/Strains

Mouse: C57BL/6J The Jackson Laboratory JAX: 000664
Mouse: timed-pregnant female C57BL/6 Charles River Strain code:027
Mouse: Nrxn1ΔHS This paper N/A
D. melanogaster w1118 Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center Stock 3605
D. melanogaster dnrx273 (Li et al., 2007) N/A
D. melanogaster dnrx241 (Li et al., 2007) N/A
D. melanogaster Elav-Gal4 Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center Stock 458
D. melanogaster UAS-Dnrx This paper N/A
D. melanogaster UAS-DnrxΔHS This paper N/A


shRNA targeting sequence: Nrx1 Sh: GTGCCTTCCTCTATGACAACT (Gokce and Südhof, 2013) N/A
shRNA targeting sequence: Nrx2 Sh: GAACAAAGACAAAGAGTAT (Gokce and Südhof, 2013) N/A
shRNA targeting sequence: Nrx3 Sh: GGCCAGTGAATGAGCATTA This paper N/A
shRNA targeting sequence: GFP Sh: GGCGATGCCACCTACGGCAAG (Alvarez et al., 2006) N/A
shRNA targeting sequence: NL1 Sh: GGGAAGGGTTGAAGTTTGT (Kwon et al., 2012) N/A
shRNA targeting sequence: MorB Sh: GGGAAGGGTTGAAGTTTGT (Alvarez et al., 2006) N/A

Recombinant DNA

Nrx1α-CFP (Siddiqui et al., 2010) N/A
Nrx2α-CFP (Siddiqui et al., 2010) N/A
Nrx3α-CFP (Siddiqui et al., 2010) N/A
Amigo-CFP (Siddiqui et al., 2010) N/A
Nrx1β-CFP (Graf et al., 2004) N/A
Nrx1β-ΔLNS-CFP (Graf et al., 2004) N/A
Nrx1β-ΔCHO-CFP (Graf et al., 2004) N/A
Nrx1β-ΔCHObeg-CFP (Graf et al., 2004) N/A
Nrx1β-ΔCHOend-CFP (Graf et al., 2004) N/A
Nrx1β-SA(316)-CFP This paper N/A
Nrx1βSSAA(332,333)-CFP This paper N/A
Nrx1β-SSSAAA(316,332,333)-CFP This paper N/A
pLL3.7-hSyn-V5-Nrx1α This paper N/A
pLL3.7-hSyn-V5-Nrx1β This paper N/A
pAAV-hSyn-V5-Nrx2α This paper N/A
pAAV-hSyn-V5-Nrx2β This paper N/A
pAAV-hSyn-V5-Nrx3α This paper N/A
pAAV-hSyn-V5-Nrx3β This paper N/A
pLL3.7-hSyn-CFP-P2A-V5-Nrx1α This paper N/A
pLL3.7-hSyn-YFP-P2A-V5-Nrx1β This paper N/A
pLL3.7-hSyn-CFP-P2A-V5-Nrx1α-ΔHS This paper N/A
pLL3.7-hSyn-YFP-P2A-V5-Nrx1β-ΔHS This paper N/A
pcDNA3.1-Myc-Dnrx This paper N/A
pUASTattB-Myc-Dnrx This paper N/A
pcDNA3.1-Myc-Dnrx-ΔHS This paper N/A
pUASTattB-Myc-Dnrx-ΔHS This paper N/A
pNice-HA-NL1 (Scheiffele et al., 2000) N/A
pNice-HA-NL2 (Scheiffele et al., 2000) N/A
pNice-HA-NL3 (Graf et al., 2006) N/A
pNice-HA-NL4 (Graf et al., 2006) N/A
pNice-HA-NL1-51 This paper N/A
pNice-HA-NL1-RA This paper N/A
pNice-HA-NL2-RA This paper N/A
pNice-HA-NL3-RA This paper N/A
pNice-HA-NL4-RA This paper N/A
HA-LRRTM2 This paper N/A
HA-CD4 This paper N/A
NGL-3-CFP This paper N/A
pCAGGS-Myc-LRRTM2 This paper N/A
pCAGGS-Myc-LRRTM2-RA This paper N/A
pcDNA4- Nrx1α-PLAP-Myc-His This paper N/A
pcDNA4- Nrx1α-ΔHS-PLAP-Myc-His This paper N/A
PTN-hFc This paper N/A
pcDNA4-HA-ecto-NL1-His This paper N/A
pcDNA4-HA-ecto-NL1-RA-His This paper N/A
pcDNA4-HA-ecto-NL1-51-His This paper N/A
Nrx1β LNS-hFc/ Nrx1β-hFc (Scheiffele et al., 2000) Addgene# 59313
LRRTM2-PLAP-Myc-His (Linhoff et al., 2009) N/A
LRRTM2-RA-PLAP-Myc-His This Paper N/A
pFB-AAV-rNrx-TKD This paper N/A
pFB-AAV-GFP-4xshRNA This paper N/A
pLL3.7-U6-NL1-shRNA-hSyn-YFP This paper N/A
pLL3.7-U6-MORB-shRNA-hSyn-YFP (Takahashi et al., 2011) N/A
pFB-hSyn-DIO-YFP-P2A-HA-NL1 This paper N/A
pFB-hSyn-DIO-YFP-P2A-HA-NL1-RA This paper N/A
pCMV6-HA-NL1 This paper N/A
pCMV6-HA-NL1-RA This paper N/A
pFB-hSyn-DIO-GFP This paper N/A
pCAG-Cre (Matsuda and Cepko, 2007) Addgene# 13775
pSK(-)-pan-Nrxn1 This paper N/A
pSK(-)-pan-Nrxn2 This paper N/A
pSK(-)-pan-Nrxn3 This paper N/A

Software and Algorithms

Pclamp 10.5 Molecular Devices
Fiji 64-bit (ImageJ2) National Institute of Health
GraphPad Prism 6 GraphPad Software Inc
MATLab 2014a MathWorks
Clustal Omega Clustal
Ilastik version 1.3.0
TrakEM2 1.0a National Institute of Health
Amira 5.6 Thermo Fisher Scientific