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. 2018 Oct 5;13(10):e0205298. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0205298

Table 1. Translocation breakpoints as identified by Whole-Genome Mate-Pair Sequencing and validated by Sanger sequencing (hg19).

Translocation junctions as estimated by WG-MPS Junction Length Translocation breakpoint position as defined by SS Disrupted Genes Insertions/deletions (+ strand) Microhomology (+ strand)
Case 1—Female with hearing loss
chr1:74499775–74500253 479bp chr1:74500101–74500108 LRRIQ3 AATTCA duplication AATTC
chrX:82675876–82676282 407bp chrX:82676074–82676079 ~87kb upstream POU3F4 GAATT duplication
G deletion
Case 2—Female with mild to moderate intellectual disability
chr6:16754266–16755111 845bp chr6:16754305–16754306 ATXN1 ND -
chr7:120530428–120531641 1214bp chr7:120530522–120530523 - ND G
chr7:124121849–124122971 1123bp chr7:124122363–124122371 - ATCTTTT deletion
T insertion
chr8:129588349–129589617 1269bp chr8:129589008–129589009 - ND CTGG
chr8:132602314–132603246 933bp chr8:132602994–132602995 - - -
chr8:132899241–132900431 1191bp chr8:132899713–132899714 - T insertion -
chr8:132937706–132938936 1231bp chr8:132938698–132938699 EFR3A ND -
chr12:24016019–24017286 1268bp chr12:24016112–24016113 SOX5 ND C
chr12:27177142–27177824 682bp chr12:27177486–27177487 MED21 ND -
chr12:55357036–55357802 767bp chr12:55357553–55357554 TESPA1 ND CCAG
chr12:65386366–65387285 920bp chr12:65386836–65386837 - ND -
chr12:68784020–68784572 553bp chr12:68784362–68784363 - ND -
Case 3—Female with dysmorphic facial features and speech delay
chr4:118195375–118197310 1936bp chr4:118195456–118195460 - AGG duplication G
chr9:14104333–14104994 662bp chr9:14104378–14104384 NFIB GTCTA deletion -

The junction length, disrupted genes, as well as insertions/deletions and microhomology at the breakpoint junctions are also given. In Case 2, only those translocation breakpoint junctions mapped to the base-pair level are included in Table 1. Due to the highly repetitive regions at most chromothripsis rearrangement breakpoints in Case 2, validation was not feasible for all breakpoint junctions, and hence, possible insertions/deletions could not be determined in most cases. (bp = base-pairs; dn = de novo; WG-MPS = Whole-Genome Mate-Pair Sequencing; ND = not determined; SS = Sanger sequencing)