Figure 4.
Analysis of the population model. A–D, Bifurcation diagrams for the variations of the maximal synaptic conductances, including recurrent excitation , excitation from excitatory to inhibitory population , inhibition from inhibitory to excitatory population , and the recurrent inhibition in the inhibitory population , respectively. E, F, Bifurcation diagrams for adaptation in the excitatory population and GABA reversal potential from the inhibitory-to-excitatory current, . Diagrams A–D were calculated for = 2 mS/cm2; E, gIE = 0.5 mS/cm2; and F, gIE 1 mS/cm2. The value of characterizes the average membrane potential in the resting state and maximal/minimal values of during the oscillations. Red and green dots correspond to the supercritical and subcritical Andronov–Hopf bifurcations. Solid and dotted lines depict the stable and unstable solutions.