(A) 13C enrichment of acetate (Ac), acetaldehyde (ACE) and
Acetyl-GSH (Ac-GSH) in HCT116 cultured in the presence of
[13C6]-glucose. (B) Intracellular and medium
concentrations of 13C labeled Ac and ACE in HCT116 cells after
incubation in[13C6]-glucose medium for 1 hr. (C) Relative
levels of 13C enriched Ac, ACE and Ac-GSH in mouse sarcoma cells with
wild type PDH (PDH WT) or PDH knockout (PDH KO) using CRISPR/Cas9. (D) The
presence of PDH and aKGDH proteins in the subcellular fractions of HCT116 cells.
Abbreviations: E1, the E1 component of PDH or aKGDH; CS, citrate synthetase;
MPC1, mitochondrial pyruvate carrier 1. (E) Relative levels of 13C
enriched Ac, ACE and Ac-GSH in HCT116 cells cultured in medium with or without
thiamine. (F) Relative levels of [13C6]-glucose and
[2H3]-pyruvate-derived acetate after the addition of
[18O2]-H2O2 (200 μM) for
10 min. (G) Contribution of ROS to acetate production (represented by the
fraction of 18O labeled acetate) upon thiamine starvation. (H)
Schematic of 13C glucose infusion in soft tissue sarcoma-bearing
mice. (I) 13C enrichment fraction of glucose and pyruvate in the
serum of sarcoma free mouse after the [13C6]-glucose
infusion. (J) Concentrations of [13C3]-Pyr,
[13C3]-Lac, [13C2]-ACE and
[13C2]-Ac in sarcoma tumors. (K) 13C
enrichment of AC-GSH and [13C2]-Ac-GSH in sarcoma. (l)
Concentrations of [13C3]-Pyr,
[13C3]-Lac, [13C2]-ACE and
[13C2]-Ac in serum of tumor-bearing mice. J to L were
obtained from sarcoma mouse samples collected 3 hrs after
[13C6]-glucose infusion. Values are expressed as mean
± SD of n=3 (HCT116 cells) and n=5 (mouse) independent measurements. See
also Figure S4.