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. 2018 Oct 6;14:87. doi: 10.1186/s13007-018-0355-y

Table 1.

Some examples of in vitro thermotherapy followed by shoot tip culture for virus eradication

Plant species and cultivars or genotypes Viruses Temperature and duration Shoot survival after thermotherapy (%) Size of shoot tips (mm) Shoot tip survival (%) Virus-free frequency (%) References
Herbaceous crops
Potato ‘Diamond’ Potato virus Y (PVY) 37 °C, 40 days 43 1.0 cm NT 33 [64]
Potato ‘Burren’ and ‘Binella’ PVY 37 °C, 40 days NT 0.1–0.3 88–100 56–81 [25]
Potato genotype ‘040138’ Potato virus X (PVX) 32 °C/42 °C, (day/night), 35 days 80–100 NS NT 80 [66]
Cassava ‘Olho Junto’ Cassava common mosaic virus (CsCMV) 39 °C/28 °C, (day/night), 30 days NT NS NT 72 [115]
Cassava ‘Kibandameno’ East African
cassava mosaic virus (EACMV)
35 °C, 42 days 81 NS NT 78 [55]
Garlic ‘Morado’, ‘Union’, ‘Fuego’, ‘Lican’, ‘Nieve’, ‘Castaño’, ‘Violeta’, ‘Gostoso’, ‘Norteño’, ‘Perla’, ‘Sureño’ OYDV, LYSV, GCLV, garlic mite-borne filamentous virus (GarMbFV), garlic virus D (GarVD) 36 °C, 30–40 days 55–57 0.3 NT 63–100 (OYDV), 80–100 (LYSV), 93–100 (GCLV), 67–100 (GarMbFV), 18–97 (GarVD) [116]
Garlic (cultivars not specified) Onion yellow dwarf virus (OYDV) and leek yellow stripe virus (LYSV) 50 °C, 2 h NT 0.3–0.5 NT 19 (OYDV)
33 (LYSV)
Garlic ‘Hamedan’ OYDV and garlic virus A, B, C, D (GarVs) 36 °C, 5 weeks NT 1.0–2.0 71 0 (OYDV)
90 (GarVs)
Garlic ‘Jonas’ OYDV, LYSV and garlic common latent virus (GCLV) 38 °C, 30 days NT 0.3–0.5 72 83 (OYDV)
100 (LYSV)
39 (GCLV)
Herbaceous crops
Chrysanthemum ‘Regol Time’ Chrysanthemum B virus (CVB) 38 °C, 30 days NT 0.3–1.0 NT 12 [28]
Lilium × elegans genotypes 409 and 599 Lilium symptomless virus (LSV) 35 °C, 42 days NT 0.3 NT 100 [83]
Lilium Asiatic hybrid ‘Visconti’, and LA hybrids ‘Fangio’ and ‘Lacorno’ LSV, lily mottle virus (LMoV) and cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) 35 °C, 5 weeks NT NS NT 100 (LSV)
100 (CMV)
100 (LMoV)
Begonia Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) 38 °C/22 °C, (day/night), 35 days NT 2–3 cm NT 37.5 [63]
Horseradish Turnip Mosaic Virus (TuMV) 37 °C, 23 days 100 0.5 NT 100 [53]
Artichoke Artichoke Italian latent virus (AILV), artichoke latent virus (ArLV) 38 °C, 15 days NT 0.3–0.8 75 100 [84]
Woody species
Apple ‘Idared’ and ‘Sampion’ Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV) and (ASPV) (Idared)
ACLSV, ASPV and apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) (Sampion)
39 °C, 6 days NT 1.0–2.0 63 (Idared)
44 (Sampion)
60 (Idared)
0 (Sampion)
Apple ‘Yanfu9’, ‘Xinyanfu3’, ‘Xin2001’, ‘Gala’, Huafu, ‘Apple 123’ and ‘Zhengzhou No. 5’ ACLSV, ASGV, ASPV and apple mosaic virus (ApMV) 38 °C, 30 days NT 1.0 26 (Total) 43 (Total) [40]
Woody species
Apple (Malus × domestica cvs. Gala, Ruiyang, Nongguo 25, Fuji, M. paradisiaca M9) ASGV 36 °C/32 °C, (day/night), 4 weeks 100 1.5 63–90 7–38 [23]
Apple ‘Oregon Spur-II’ ACLSV, ApMV, ASGV, ASPV 37–40 °C, 4 weeks NT 0.3–0.6 26–33 75 (ACLSV)
100 (ApMV, ASGV and ASPV)
Pear ‘Huang-hua’ ASGV and ACLSV 37 °C, 35 days 64 1.0 NT 66.7 (ACLSV)
33.3 (ASGV)
Pear ‘Fengshui’, ‘Jingshui No. 1’, ‘4’ and ‘14’ ASGV, ACLSV and ASPV 42 °C/34 °C, (day/night), 55 days 20–57 0.5–1.0 NT 100 [58]
Pear ‘Jinshui no. 2’ ASGV ACLSV 35 °C, 40 days 100 0.5 66.7 33.3 [61]
Apricot ‘Bebecou’ Plum pox virus (PPV) 35–37 °C, 20 days NT 1.0–2.0 (meristem), 5.0 cm (Shoot tip) 35 (Meristem), 28 (Shoot tip) 74 (Meristem)
82 (Shoot tip)
Nectarine ‘Arm King’ PPV and prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) 35 °C, 2 weeks NT 1.3–2.0 38 86 (PPV)
81 (PNRSV)
Woody species
Plum ‘Earliblue’ PNRSV 35–38 °C, 10–12 days 14–71 5.0 NT 100 [57]
Grapevine ‘Napoleon’ Grapevine leafroll-asso ciated virus-3 (GLRaV-3), grapevine fan leaf virus (GFLV) 37 °C/34 °C, (day/night)
1.5 months
NT 0.5–3.0 53–80 72–100 (GLRaV-3)
100 (GFLV)
Grapevine ‘Sagrantino’ Grape virus A (GVA) 36 °C, 57 days NT 1.0 cm NT 60 [72]
Grapevine ‘Mantilaria’ and ‘Prevezaniko’ Grapevine leafroll associated virus (GLRaV) and GRSPaV 40 °C/37 °C, (day/night), 1 weeks 59.37 (Mantilaria)
41.86 (Prevezaniko)
5.0 96 (Mantilaria)
78 (Prevezaniko)
38 (Mantilaria)
89 (Prevezaniko)
Grapevine ‘Bidaneh Sefid’ and ‘Shahroodi’ GFLV 40 °C/30 °C, (day/night), 7 weeks NT NT NT 100 [119]
Grapevine ‘Agiorgitiko’ GLRaV-1 and GRSPaV 40 °C/37 °C, (day/night), 1 weeks 53 0.1–0.2 (Meristem)
(Shoot tip)
56 (Meristem)
88 (Shoot tip)
62 (Meristem)
38 (Shoot tip)
Grapevine Kober 5BB’ GVA, GFLV, grapevine fleck virus (GFkV), GLRaV-1 and GLRaV-3 37 °C, 48 days 100 NS NT 100 (GFLV), 70 (GVA), 25 (GFLaV-1), 25 (GLRaV-3) and 0 (GFKV) [86]
Fig ‘Biadi’ and ‘Aswad’ Fig leaf mottle-associated virus-1 and 2 (FLMaV-1 and FLMaV-2), and fig mosaic virus (FMV) 35 °C, 30 days NT 6.0 39 (Biadi)
42 (Aswad)
0–81 [87]
Raspberry ‘Gatineau’ Raspberry bushy dwarf virus (RBDV) 37 °C, 21 days NT 0.2–0.3 NT 39 [120]
Black raspberry (cultivars not specified) Black raspberry necrosis virus (BRNV) 29 °C and 38 °C (in 4-h interval), 5 weeks NT NS 90 100 [62]
Caper (cultivars not specified) Caper latent virus (CapLV) 38 °C, 45–60 days 97 0.3–0.4 60–93 89–93 [80]

NS not specified, NT not tested