(A–C”) Partial dendritic fields of CDC50 KO neurons in the absence (A–A”) and presence (B–B”) of constitutive GFP-Lact expression. Inset in (B)–(B”): a segment of degenerating dendrite strongly labeled by GFP-Lact.
(C–C”) Partial dendritic fields of CDC50 KO neurons in drpr–/– background in the presence of constitutive GFP-Lact expression.
(D) Dendrite length in the partial ddaC dendritic field. n = number of neurons: CDC50 KO (n = 27, 9 animals); CDC50 KO + GFP-Lact (n = 20, 9 animals); CDC50 KO + GFP-Lact in drpr—/— (n = 21, 9 animals). *p % 0.05; ***p % 0.001, one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s HSD test.
(E–E”) High-resolution images of CDC50 KO distal dendrites in the presence of constitutively expressed GFP-Lact in drpr—/— background taken at a brighter GFP setting. Maximum projection of two Z slices covering 2-mm-thick volume. Blue arrows: GFP-Lact labeling on dendrites.
(F) Quantification of GFP-Lact binding on dendrites. Background: epidermal regions without dendrites. n = number of measurements: control background (n = 14) and control dendrite (n = 28), 7 animals; CDC50 KO + GFP-Lact background (n = 16) and CDC50 KO + GFP-Lact dendrite (n = 32), 8 animals; CDC50 KO + GFP-Lact in drpr—/— background (n = 16) and CDC50 KO + GFP-Lact in drpr—/— dendrite (n = 32), 5 animals. ***p % 0.001, Kruskal-Wallis (one-way ANOVA on ranks) and Dunn’s test; p values adjusted with the Benjamini-Hochberg method.
Black bars: mean; red bars: SD. See also Figure S6.