General brain neuroanatomy of Gnathonemus petersii, transverse brain levels of investigation and DiI injection sites. (A) Lateral view of the brain of the elephant-nose fish G. petersii. (B) Enlargement of optic tectum shows three levels documented below for tecto-toral interconnections. (C) Dorsal view of the brain of G. petersii with valvula cerebelli removed to show torus semicircularis and position of injection sites in the lateral toral nucleus (redrawn from Han et al., 2006). (D) Positions of DiI injections in two series of experiments with four quadrants each of optic tectum (R, rostral; C, caudal; D, dorsal; V, ventral; RV, rostroventral; RD, rostrodorsal; CV, caudoventral; CD, caudodorsal). (1,2,3) Row of Bodian-Cresyl stained sections of (1) anterior level of torus semicircularis with only the lateral toral nucleus, (2) mid-toral level with medioventral toral and exterolateral toral nuclei in addition and (3) caudal toral level with the ventroposterior toral nucleus in addition. (1’,2’,3’) Drawings highlight toral nuclei at levels shown in Bodian-Cresyl stains. Size bar in (A): 1 mm, also applies to (C). Size bar in (1): 1 mm, also applies to (2,3). See text for details. BO, bulbus olfactorius; C1, C3, C4, lobes of corpus cerebelli; DP, dorsal posterior thalamic nucleus; DR, rostrodorsal tegmental nucleus; DTel, dorsal telencephalon; EG, eminentia granularis; ELL, electrosensory lateral line lobe; fll, lateral longitudinal fascicle; fr; fasciculus retroflexus; LCe, lobus caudalis cerebelli; LI, lobus inferior; MD, mediodorsal nucleus of torus semicircularis; MO, medulla oblongata; MV, medioventral nucleus of torus semicircularis; NE, exterolateral nucleus of torus semicircularis; NL, lateral nucleus of torus semicircularis; ON, optic nerve; PD, dorsal perilemniscal part of nucleus lateralis valvulae; PEd, dorsal pre-eminential nucleus; PGc, PGd, PGv caudal, dorsal, ventral preglomerular nuclei; RF, rhomboid fossa; RT, rostral tegmental nucleus (of Grover and Sharma, 1981); SC, spinal cord; Tel, telencephalon; TeO, tectum opticum; TH, tuberal hypothalamus; TLo, torus longitudinalis; tmc, mesencephalo-cerebellar tract; TS, torus semicircularis; tt, toro-pre-eminential tract; VaPe, valvular peduncle (cut); VLL, valvular leaflets; VP, ventroposterior nucleus of torus semicircularis.