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. 2018 Oct 1;9:424. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2018.00424

Table 2.

Descriptive analyses, Cohen's d, and confidence intervals (95% CI) and ANCOVA models adjusted for NV cognition on dependent measures for males and females with DS compared to CA-matched males with FXS.

Groups: Down syndrome (males and females) Fragile X syndrome (males) Cohen's-d a (p-value, q-value) 95% CI Adjusted for NV cognition
Mean (SD) Range (min-max) n Mean (SD) Range (min-max) n
Chronological Age 12.7 (1.81) 10–16 30 12.8 (1.78) 10–16 39 0.089 [−0.4, 0.57] Covariate-adjusted Mean
NV Cognition p-value (q-value) F DS FXS
Leiter-R GS 461.96 (7.4) 442–474 291 466.89 (9.97) 446–490 372 0.55 (0.030, 0.046) [1.04,−0.05]
Social Cognition
False belief understanding (FBT) 0.14 (0.18) 0–0.75 291 0.25 (0.27) 0–1 372 −0.48 (0.06, –) [−0.97, 0.02] 0.66 0.2 0.20b 0.23b
Receptive Structural Language
Receptive grammar (TROG) 2.4 (1.63) 0–6 30 4.07 (3.67) 0–15 381 0.57 (0.023, 0.045) [−1.05, −0.07] 0.59 0.29 3.37b 3.70b
Receptive vocabulary (PPVT) 64.93 (23.06) 8–107 30 86.13 (31.12) 55–156 381 0.76 (0.003, 0.012) [−1.25, −0.26] 0.10 2.89 76.09b 85.04b
Expressive Structural Language
Expressive vocabulary (EVT) 44.7 (13.5) 0–74 291 56.49 (19.48) 34–103 372 0.69 (0.007, 0.02) [1.18, −0.18] 0.23 1.5 51.08b 55.05b
Syntax construction (CASL-SC) 6.31 (6.39) 0–26 291 13.48 (9.98) 0–36 354 0.84 (0.001, 0.005) [1.34, −0.32] 0.10 2.79 9.34b 12.45b
Talkativeness (ELS) 12.47 (3.46) 7–19.9 273 12.77 (3.52) 6.5–20.20 345 −0.09 (0.75, –) [−0.59, 0.42] 0.44 0.61 12.44b 11.66b
Unintelligibility (ELS) 16 (11.84) 0–57 273 11.97 (8.84) 0–24.26 345 0.39 (0.14, –) [−0.12, 0.99] 0.31 1.06 15.81b 12.46b
Dysfluency (ELS) 22.73 (16.5) 0.95–66 273 20.10 (12.74) 1.54–44.62 345 0.18 (0.48, –) [−0.33, 0.69] 0.05 (—) 3.9 25.10b 16.80b
Lexical diversity (ELS) 72.29 (29.15) 0–123 273 89.85 (30.57) 59–157 345 0.59 (0.027, 0.045) [1.09,−0.06] 0.52 0.42 77.22b 82.80b
Syntactic complexity (ELS) 3.42 (1.18) 1.84–5.89 273 4.22 (1.49) 2.45–8.24 345 0.59 (0.026, 0.045) [1.10, −0.07] 0.69 0.16 3.71b 3.85b
Pragmatic Skills (CCC-2)
Less inappropriate initiation 5.27 (2.13) 2–9 264 3.94 (2.21) 0–8 336 0.61(0.023, 0.045) [0.08, 1.13] 0.21 1.61 5.10b 4.26b
Less stereotyped language 5.12 (2.26) 1–12 264 3.33 (2.33) 0–7 336 0.77 (0.005, 0.017) [0.23, 1.30] <0.01 (0.02) 8.19 5.32b 3.29b
Proper use of context 1.27 (1.51) 0–6 264 1.82 (2.19) 0–8 336 −0.29 (0.3, –) [−0.80, 0.23] 0.25 1.35 1.30b 1.99b
NV communication 3.81 (1.83) 1– 8 264 2.73 (1.51) 0–5 336 0.65(0.016, 0.04) [0.12, 1.17] 0.05 (—) 3.8 3.77b 2.87b
Behavioral Problems (CBCL/6-18)
Withdrawn behaviors 58.73 (6.54) 50–73 30 62.58 (8.07) 50–79 381 −0.52 (0.038, –) [−1.00, −0.02] <0.01 (0.01) 10.1 56.54b 63.27b
Anxious symptoms 52.93 (4.67) 50–67 30 60.89 (8.22) 50–83 381 -1.16 (<0.001,<0.001) [1.66, −0.63] <0.001(<0.001) 19.19 52.29b 60.31b
Social problems 59.56 (4.56) 50–69 30 63 (7.68) 51–83 381 0.53 (0.034, 0.049) [1.01, −0.04] 0.19 1.75 59.71b 62.31b
Thought problems 60.1 (7.42) 50–75 30 66.65 (8.07) 50–77 381 0.84 (0.001, 0.005) [1.33, −0.33] <0.01 (0.006) 12.20 58.69b 66.52b
Attention problems 58.06 (5.01) 51–73 30 65.65 (8.5) 50–92 381 1.06 (<0.001,<0.001) [1.56, −0.54] <0.01 (0.006) 11.94 57.95b 65.90b

NV, nonverbal; SD, standard deviation; n, number of participants; d, differences; CI, confidence interval; F, Fisher-Snedecor quotient; GS, growth score; FBT, False Belief Task; TROG, Test for Reception of Grammar; PPVT, Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test; EVT, Expressive Vocabulary Test; CASL-SC, Syntax Construction Test from the Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language; ELS Expressive Language Sample; CCC-2, Children's Communication Checklist, CBCL, Child Behavior Checklist;


1 missing value,


2 missing values„


3 missing values,


missing value,


5 missing values„


6 missing values


Cohen's effect size. Large differences (effect size differences larger than 1 pooled standard deviation (|d| > 1); Substantial differences (|d| > 0.7); Medium differences (|d| > 0.5); Mild/small differences (|d| > 0.3),


Covariates appearing in the model are evaluated at Leiter-R GS = 465.12 value (the mean). Note: q-values represent p-values after controlling for multiple comparisons according to FDR procedure, we only reported significant q-values, otherwise this symbol (—) is included as a sign of not passing the FDR criterion. Significant results after controlling for multiple comparisons according to FDR procedure are bolded in the table.