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. 2018 Oct 1;9:424. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2018.00424

Table 4.

Correlations between NV cognition and the assessed domains in DS participants and in FXS males.

Pearson correlations: r (p-value, q-value) [95% CI]
DS group (males and females) FXS group (males)
NV cognition (Leiter-R GS)
Social Cognition
False belief understanding (FBT) 0.61 (<0.001, 0.001) [0.356, 0.78]
Receptive Structural Language
Receptive grammar (TROG) 0.54 (0.002, 0.008) [0.216, 0.757] 0.79(<0.001, 0.001) [0.626, 0.887]
Receptive vocabulary (PPVT) 0.66 (<0.001, 0.001) [0.387, 0.827] 0.75 (<0.001, 0.001) [0.563, 0.864]
Expressive Structural Language
Expressive vocabulary (EVT) 0.71 (<0.001, 0.001) [0.458, 0.856] 0.78 (<0.001, 0.001) [0.61, 0.881]
Syntax construction (CASL-SC) 0.55 (0.003, 0.011) [0.223, 0.766] 0.79 (<0.001, 0.001) [0.620, 0.889]
Talkativeness (ELS)
Unintelligibility (ELS)
Dysfluency (ELS) 0.42 (0.013, 0.04) [0.095, 0.664]
Lexical diversity (ELS) 0.55 (0.001, 0.004) [0.26, 0.749]
Syntactic complexity (ELS) 0.45 (0.02, ) 0.62 (<0.001, 0.004) [0.357, 0.792]
Pragmatic Skills (CCC-2)
Less inappropriate initiation
Less stereotyped language 0.42 (0.04, )
Proper use of context
NV communication
Behavioral Problems (CBCL)
Withdrawn behaviors
Anxious symptoms
Social problems
Thought problems
Attention problems

NV, nonverbal; GS, growth score; FBT, False Belief Task; TROG, Test for Reception of Grammar; PPVT, Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test; EVT, Expressive Vocabulary Test; CASL-SC, Syntax Construction Test from the Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language; ELS Expressive Language Sample; CCC-2, Children's Communication Checklist; CBCL, Child Behavior Checklist; CI, confidence interval; r, Pearson correlation; p-value, two tailed significance; Q-value; represent p-values after controlling for multiple comparisons according to FDR procedure. Only are reported significant correlations, otherwise this symbol — is included as a sign of p > 0.05. Only are reported significant q-values, otherwise this symbol (—) is included as a sign of not passing the FDR test. Significant results after controlling for multiple comparisons according to FDR procedure are bolded in the table.