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. 2018 Oct 8;363:k3965. doi: 10.1136/bmj.k3965

Table 1.

Definitions of primary endpoints

Endpoint Definition Comment
Death Within one year after randomisation
Major complications:
 Intra-abdominal abscess Fever or increased C reactive protein level/white blood cell count, or both, and intra-abdominal fluid collection on computed tomography or ultrasonography Within 30 days after randomisation
 Pneumonia Coughing or dyspnoea, radiography with infiltrative abnormalities, increased infection variable, and positive sputum culture result Within 30 days after randomisation
 Myocardial infarction Symptomatic increased cardiac enzyme levels and abnormalities on electrocardiography or cardiac ultrasonography Within 30 days after randomisation
 Pulmonary embolism Radiologically proven pulmonary embolism Within 30 days after randomisation
 Need for reintervention Surgical, endoscopic, or radiological reintervention Within one year after randomisation. Before analysis, the adjudication committee decided to only report reinterventions directly or indirectly related to acute cholecystitis. A routine elective cholecystectomy after percutaneous catheter drainage was not included in the primary endpoint (ie, only cholecystectomies for recurrent gallstone related complications were included)
 Recurrent biliary disease Within one year after randomisation. Before analysis, the adjudication committee decided to only report recurrent biliary disease when readmission was required