Effect of N on root/shoot length among contrasting rice genotypes. (A) Representative photograph of the seedlings of genotype Panvel 1 grown on agar plates in Arnon Hoagland media with or without N source. (B,C) Mean root lengths (B) and shoot lengths (C) of triplicates of 6 contrasting genotypes viz, Aditya, Nidhi, Swarnadhan from the fast germinating group and Panvel 1, Triguna and Vikramarya from the slow germinating group, in agar media with or without N. (D,E) The same genotypes were used to compare the effect of urea at different doses on root length (D) and shoot length (E). The urea doses used were, normal level (15 mM), twice the normal (30 mM), and one-tenth (1.5 mM). The data are categorized into statistically distinct classes as denoted by alphabetic characters above the bars. Bars with different alphabets are significantly different at P < 0.05.