Taxonomic diversity |
Approximate species numbers for macroscopic organisms; human impacts tend to decrease overall diversity |
Large portions of biodiversity are unexplored (i.e., microbes, invertebrates, fungi) |
Taxonomic units used in biodiversity studies may not represent comparable ecological or evolutionary units |
Genetic variation (within species) |
Patterns of genetic variation known for very selected taxa |
Overall patterns of genetic variation |
How generalizable are conclusions drawn by such limited patterns of genetic diversity |
Phylogenetic diversity |
General understanding of the tree (or network) of life |
Drivers of diversification |
Potential biases in phylogeny reconstruction and time-calibration |
Spatial patterns of diversity |
Hotspots and general patterns of species richness and diversity; broad species ranges for charismatic taxa |
Areas of endemism; known patterns of biodiversity are biased; ecological preferences of species; drivers of diversity |
Human impact to overall spatial patterns |
Functional diversity |
Large scale productivity patterns |
Biotic interactions |
Relevance of current functional diversity measures; equivalency in functional traits; relationship between current and future functional diversity |