Table 2.
Description of all reported mutations affecting the catalytic domain of protein kinase Cγ gene (PRKCG) with the genotype‐phenotype correlation
PRKCG mutations | p.Gly360Ser2 | p.Ser361Gly3 | p.Ala458Thr (this study) | p.Asp480Tyr31 | p.Phe643Leu2, 24 | p.Arg659Ser32 | p.Val692Gly2 | p.Met697Ile33 | p.Val177fs31 |
Type of mutation | Missense | Missense | Missense | Missense | Missense | Missense | Missense | 102 base pair deletion | 1717 base pair deletion |
Conservation | Highly conserved | Highly conserved | Highly conserved | Highly conserved | Highly conserved | Highly conserved | Highly conserved | Highly conserved | Highly conserved |
Zygosity | Heterozygous | Heterozygous | Heterozygous | Homozygous | Heterozygous | Heterozygous | Heterozygous | Heterozygous/Homozygous | Heterozygous |
Penetrance | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Age of onset (years) | 53 | 5‐60 | 35 | NA | Childhood to 60 | Not available | 20 | 7‐60 | Not available |
Symptom at onset | Ataxia | Ataxia | Ataxia | Ataxia | Ataxia | Retinitis pigmentosa | Ataxia | Ataxia | Ataxia |
Clinical syndrome | Complex, slowly progressive cerebellar ataxia | Slowly progressive cerebellar ataxia | Complex, slowly progressive cerebellar ataxia | Complex, slowly progressive cerebellar ataxia | Complex, slowly progressive cerebellar ataxia | Not available | Slowly progressive cerebellar ataxia | Complex, slowly progressive cerebellar ataxia | Complex, slowly progressive cerebellar ataxia |
Associated features | Rippling in small hand muscles, swallowing difficulties | Depression | Dystonic head tremor with constant titubation of head at rest, laterocollis, severe peripheral neuropathy | Intellectual disability | Cognitive decline (8 cases), myokimia (4 cases), diffuse myoclonus in the limbs (1 case), reduced vibration sense in lower limbs (4 cases), chorea in the hands and head tremor (2 cases) | Not available | Decreased vibration sense | Generalised truncal and limb myoclonus | Intellectual disability |
Functional analysis and consequence of mutation | Increased kinase activity, even in the absence of activators.20 Normal dendritic development21 | Increased kinase activity within Purkinje cells. Inhibition of dendritic development20, 34 | Not available | Not available | Increased kinase activity within Purkinje cells. Inhibition of dendritic development20, 21 | Not available | Patterns of kinase activity similar to those of the wild‐type enzyme20 | Increased kinase activity compared to wild‐type33 | Not available |