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. 2018 Apr 14;14(4):e12613. doi: 10.1111/mcn.12613

Table 2.

Quality of training received by health workers, by study group and survey round

Baseline Endline DIDa (95% CI)
Nutrition‐focused MNCH Standard MNCH Nutrition‐focused MNCH Standard MNCH
n = 105 n = 111 n = 111 n = 110
Mean ± SD (%) Mean ± SD (%) Mean ± SD (%) Mean ± SD (%)
Ever received basic training on maternal nutrition 79.8 87.4 97.3 91.8 13.0 (−8.47, 34.5)
Attended monthly refresher training 66.7 80.6 100.0 100.0 14.1 (−16.5, 44.6)
Time from last refresher training received (months) 0.47 ± 0.37 0.31 ± 0.32 0.6 ± 0.6 1.2 ± 3.0 −0.71 (−1.28, −0.14)
Topics discussed at the last full training
Current situation of maternal health/nutrition and breastfeeding 41.7 40.2 49.1 51.5 −4.57 (−34.6, 25.5)
Importance of maternal nutrition and breastfeeding 34.5 47.4 44.4 47.5 9.37 (−19.5, 38.3)
Counselling approach 51.2 55.7 61.1 44.6 20.6 (−13.5, 54.6)
Preparing diet chart and calculating food budget 32.1 25.8 70.4 12.9 51.7 (15.9, 87.5)
How to measure and record weight of the pregnant women 25.0 20.6 68.5 7.9 56.0 (29.8, 82.3)
Counting and recording of IFA and calcium tablet consumption 39.3 29.9 67.6 11.9 46.4 (27.7, 65.2)
How to engage husbands and other family members 16.7 8.3 25.0 7.9 8.65 (−13.0, 30.3)
Technique of counselling breastfeeding issue 33.3 35.1 40.7 35.6 6.25 (−21.9, 34.4)
How to express breast milk 16.7 19.6 31.5 23.8 10.3 (−15.0, 35.6)
Early initiation of breastfeeding 31.0 35.1 44.4 38.6 9.49 (−14.2, 33.2)

Note. CI = confidence interval; DID = difference‐in‐difference; IFA = iron and folic acid; MNCH = maternal, neonatal, and child health.


Difference‐in‐difference impact estimate between baseline and endline adjusted for clustering effect at district and subdistrict levels.