Figure 2.
Changes in vascular plant species diversity on Mount Schrankogel. Mean ± SE of raw data of (a) species richness (Supporting Information Table S4) and (b) numbers of colonising and disappearing species (Table S8) per plot on Mount Schrankogel in the survey years 1994, 2004 and 2014. Mean values over the entire study area (All, shaded) and for each block (A, B, C, D) are shown. For plot numbers per block, see Table S1. Different lowercase letters denote significant differences: (a) between the survey years within each block based on generalised mixed‐effects models using penalised quasi‐likelihood with a negative binomial distribution (Table S5); and (b) between the survey years and types (colonisations, disappearances) within each block based on generalised mixed‐effects models with a negative binomial distribution (Table S9).