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. 2018 Oct 1;24(4):512–527. doi: 10.5056/jnm18072


Brain Imaging Techniques

Implement What it measures Utilities in gastroenterology
PET Measures the annihilation photons from positron-electron annihilation. The positron is emitted from the radioactive tracer that is injected intravenously.
 [15O]H2O PET Measures regional cerebral blood flow Initial studies during gut stimulations.
 [18F]FDG PET Measures the regional metabolic rate of glucose Used mainly for diagnosis and staging of cancers but also for neurological studies
 Relevant radioligands Neurotransmitter system (dopamine, serotonin, opioids, cannabinoid etc) Studies are limited due to the high cost, the limited availability of relevant ligands, and the complexity of the studies.
MRI A non-invasive technique to assess brain function based on endogenous magnetic properties,
 fMRI (BOLD signal) Measures changes in the proportion of oxygenated vs deoxygenated haemoglobin, which is seen in areas of greater neural activity Most frequently used in particular task based (eg, gut stimulation) studies. More available and better temporal resolution than PET
 ASL Measures cerebral blood flow directly, by using arterial blood as an endogenous tracer. Suitable to measure baseline cerebral blood flow.
 rsfMRI Measures spontaneous, low frequency (< 0.1 Hz) fluctuations in the BOLD signal that occur when a subject is not performing an explicit task. rsfMRI investigates synchronous activations between regions that are spatially distinct, occurring in the absence of a task or stimulus, to identify resting state networks. Several studies used rsfMRI to investigate the resting state networks between healthy controls and patients in a certain disease condition.
 MR spectroscopy Quantitative measure of biochemical concentration in the living brain based on the unique MR spectra of different molecules. Proton MR spectroscopy can reliably detect metabolites such as Glx (Glutamate and Glutamine), γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and N-acetylaspartate (NAA).
Structural MRI T1 weighted high-resolution structural MRI used to produce structural imaging. Dynamic alterations in brain structure have been observed even within 5 days. Assess baseline differences between groups and the central nervous system effects of treatments, aging, and disease.
 VBM (gray matter) Whole brain analysis of the density and volume of gray matter in each voxel, which may involve changes in glial number, dendritic spines. Influence of environmental factors such as early life event on brain structures.
 Diffusion imaging Evaluates white matter integrity and anatomy. The tract integrity is expressed commonly as fractional anisotropy and specific fiber tracts between brain regions are identified by tractography. Diffusion imaging studies in stroke patients are useful as it shows dynamic remodelling of white matter tracts. Longitudinal studies in therapeutic intervention.
MEG Measures the magnetic field generated by the electrical activity of neurons with millisecond temporal resolution. MEG is used to measure the time courses of brain activity (eg, due to gut stimulation). Not widely available
EEG Measures direct electrical activity of the brain by surface scalp electrodes with millisecond temporal resolution. EEG is used for evoked potentials to external stimuli in real time or to measure the time courses of brain activity.

PET, positron emission tomography; fMRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging; BOLD, blood oxygen level-dependent; ASL, arterial spin labelling; rsfMRI, resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging; MR, magnetic resonance; VBM, voxel-based morphometry; MEG, Magneto-encephalography; EEG, electro-encephalography.