8–16 cell Xenopus embryos were injected animally with 100 pg of the RNAs encoding GFP-Pk3 (Pk3), HA-RFP-Pk3, GFP-Dvl2, Myc-Par3 and Myc-Par1T560A as indicated, cultured until stage 10.5, cryosectioned and immunostained for GFP (A, B, E–G), HA (C, D) or Myc (H). Myc-Par3 recruits GFP-Pk3 (A, B), but not GFP-Dvl2 (E, F), to the apical membrane. (C, D) Myc-Par3 promotes the apical localization of HA-RFP-Pk3. (G) Myc-Par1T560A does not promote GFP-Pk3 apical localization. (H) Myc-Par1T560A is cortically localized. Scale bar, 10 µm. The apical recruitment of Pk3 was observed in the majority (>90%, n > 100) of cells co-expressing Pk3 and Par3, but not in cells expressing Pk3 alone.