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. 2018 Oct;7(1):76–84.

Table 2.

Oral administration of naringenin inhibited the formation of TBARS and hydroperoxides, and increased the activities of SOD, CAT, GPx, GST, and GSH in livers of STZ-treated mice

Groups TBARS(mM/100 g tissue) Hydroperoxides (mM/100 g tissue) SOD CAT GPx GST GSH (mg/100g tissue)
Control 0.72±0.07# 67.33±7.6# 9.49±0.4# 61.37±1.7# 10.63±0.4# 7.15±0.2# 24.13±1.0#
NAR control (100 mg/kg) 0.70±0.05 65.29±5.8 9.52±0.4 62.36±1.8 10.66±0.5 7.21±0.4 24.66±1.1
STZ alone 1.63±0.18 98.13±11.9 3.92±0.2 45.81±5.0 5.94±0.2 3.16±0.2 15.24±0.3
STZ+NAR (50 mg/kg) 1.20±0.10# 79.83±10.1# 6.06±0.1# 53.72±5.8# 7.73±0.2# 5.11±0.4# 19.43±0.9#
STZ+NAR (100 mg/kg) 0.87±0.15# 66.97±8.8# 7.39±0.4# 58.38±5.3# 8.9±0.6# 6.01±0.5# 22.15±1.7#
STZ+GLC (600 μg/kg) 0.78±0.16# 66.71±7.7# 8.03±0.3# 60.49±5.8# 9.46±0.3# 6.75±0.3# 23.71±1.6#

Values are given as means ± SEMs for groups of six mice in each. One-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post hoc test. Control mice, STZ + naringenin (NAR, 50 and 100 mg/kg) and STZ+GLC (600 µg/kg) -treated mice were compared with STZ-treated mice; P<0.05. Activity is expressed as 50% of inhibition of NBT/min for SOD; µM of hydrogen peroxide consumed/min/mg of protein for catalase; µM of glutathione oxidized/min/mg of protein for GPx; and μM of CDNB conjugate formed/min/mg protein for GST.