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. 2018 Oct 8;8:14899. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-32879-0

Table 3.

Peak voxel coordinates of regions with at least 10 voxels in the vivid personal semantic network (Eq. 6, corresponding to the Hamm term, also see Fig. 5b). The FSL-Harvard-Oxford cortical-subcortical atlas was used to get coordinates in MNI space. When multiple sets of coordinates are shown for a region, they correspond to multiple peak voxels.

Region Voxel count Mean TFCE Max TFCEa MNI coordinates
x y z
R. Precuneus 382 34385.0 48123.3 12.5 −65.5 23
R. Middle Frontal Gyrus 193 30099.8 34687.5 45 32 33
L. Precuneus 160 31471.5 35883.0 −2.5 −63 28
R. Temporal Pole 91 30264.4 32481.3 50 12 −24.5
R. Lingual Gyrus 68 30309.1 32227.1 12.5 −58 5.5
R. Pos. Middle Temporal Gyrus 56 30272.1 31821.7 52.5 −18 −17
R. Cuneal Cortex 54 33206.4 45559.9 12.5 −68 23
R. Inferior Frontal Gyrus, pars triangularis 51 30391.2 31757.0 55 29.5 18
R. Temporal Occipital Fusiform 49 30347.1 32620.1 37.5 −50.5 −12
R. Pos. Cingulate Gyrus 46 30133.3 34881.8 12.5 −50.5 33
L. Sup. Lateral Occipital Cortex 45 27763.0 28185.4 −32.5 −83 20.5
R. Pos. Temporal Fusiform 37 30597.8 32950.2 42.5 −15.5 −24.5
R. Ant. Middle Temporal Gyrus 35 31463.4 37098.3 52.5 −3 −22
R. Pos. Inferior Temporal Gyrus 33 30424.2 33262.3 47.5 −33 −19.5
R. Ant. Superior Temporal Gyrus 33 32080.6 37582.9 47.5 −0.5 −19.5
R. Frontal Pole 26 29501.4 30099.0 22.5 42 45.5
20 42 45.5
R. Inferior Temporal Gyrus, temporooccipital part. 26 30619.0 32395.0 50 −48 −22
L. Postcentral Gyrus 22 32988.9 34580.7 −7.5 −43 55.5
R. Frontal Operculum Cortex 21 30185.1 31266.4 45 17 5.5
R. Intracalcarine Cortex 18 30436.1 32872.7 20 −60.5 5.5
R. Inferior Frontal Gyrus, pars opercularis 16 29745.9 31055.5 47.5 17 8
R. Pos. Parahippocampal Gyrus 14 29469.3 30880.5 12.5 −35.5 −7
R. Supracalcarine Cortex 14 30170.0 32475.1 22.5 −65.5 20.5
17.5 −65.5 18
R. Insular Cortex 11 30009.5 30867.3 42.5 17. −4.5
40 19.5 −7
R. Pos. Superior Temporal Gyrus 10 30519.0 35460.0 47.5 −8 −17

a97.5th percentile TFCE threshold = 27579.2, Max network TFCE = 49329.6.