S: |
set of stands in the area |
M: |
set of management regimes |
P: |
number of periods |
C: |
block of stands that do not respect the minimum area limit |
∂C: |
neighborhood set of the block C |
CMA: |
set of all blocks of stands that do not respect the minimum area limit |
Gi: |
set of center points within stand i |
PT: |
set of all candidate center points for deadwood islands |
L(Φ(x)) |
Piecewise linearization of the function In(cosh(x)) |
xij: |
binary decision variable that takes value 1 case stand i is managed under regime j or 0 otherwise |
integer auxiliary variable that equal the variable zi case variable xij takes value 1 and 0 otherwise |
zi: |
integer variable that equal the number of deadwood islands allocated to stand i |
yi: |
binary variable that takes value 1 case stand i is selected as forest reserve and value 0 otherwise |
VolB: |
bound for the volume production at each period k |
pti: |
binary variable that takes value 1 case center point i is selected as part of the solution and value 0 otherwise |
sumPT: |
variable that expresses the total number of points in the deadwood island network |
linSumij: |
auxiliary variable that linearizes the multiplication of the variable sumPT by variables kij
kij: |
binary variable that assumes value 1 case the arc connecting center points i and j is selected to be part of the solution and value 0 otherwise |
flowij: |
flow travelling through arc (i,j) |
npvij: |
Net Present Value generated by stand i under management regime j |
areai: |
area of stand i |
Tarea: |
total forest area |
: |
number of stands in block C |
BPT: |
bound on the number of center points in a single stand |
AdjPT: |
adjacency matrix of the set of points PT
: |
number of points in PT
vijk: |
volume produced by stand i, under management j in period k |
Enpv: |
Expected Net Present value |
cholik: |
i-th row and k-th column element of the Cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix |