Figure 2.
Summary of the results. Depressed mood is the most reliable DSM-5 symptom to discriminate moderately depressed (MD) group from non-depressed (ND) group. Loss of interest or pleasure discriminates severely depressed (SD) group from MD. Considering the secondary DSM-5 criteria, the somatic items discriminate MD from ND groups. All the non-somatic DSM-5 criteria separate MD from SD groups. The ellipses represent the non-somatic DSM-5 items and the rectangles the somatic DSM-5 items, according to the factor structure described by Elhai et al. (10). DM, depressed mood; LI, loss of interest or pleasure; SD, sleep difficulties (insomnia or hypersomnia); C, diminished ability to think or concentrate; FE, fatigue or loss of energy; FW, feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt; SU, suicidality; AW, appetite or weight disturbance; PAR, psychomotor agitation or retardation.