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. 2018 Sep 1;8(9):1873–1886.

Table 1.

Patient’s characteristic and survival analysis of DFS by clinically important baseline status in the first diagnosed breast cancer and biomarker at the start of the study

Total N=54 No. of case (percentage %) DFS (months) χ2 p-value

Median ± SD Range
Age (year) 0.53 0.818
    ≤50 33 (61.1) 38±7.46 0-145
    >50 21 (38.9) 13±3.43 0-120
    Total 54 21±8.398 0-145
Tumor grade 2.235 0.327
    Grade I, II 37 (68.5) 21±5.052 0-145
    Grade III 13 (24.1) 30±11.234 2-73
    Unknown 4 (7.4) 65±28.000 12-120
Tumor size 2.737 0.254
    T1 ≤2 11 (20.4) 40±15.276 3-107
    T2 2-≤5 26 (48.1) 21±8.286 0-145
    T3-T4 >5     17 (31.5) 13±6.174 0-72
Nodal status 56.533 <0.001
    Negative 15 (27.8) 21±14.813 4-65
    1-3     13 (24.1) 42±17.375 2-145
    4-9     13 (24.1) 40±6.591 6-120
    ≥10     9 (16.7) 12±2.981 3-107
    Primary IV 4 (7.4) 0 0
ER 0.006
    Positive 30 (55.6) 41±6.162 0-145 7.653
    Negative 24 (44.4) 12±2.449 0-24
PR 0.021
    Positive 27 (50) 41±5.193 0-145 5.354
    Negative 27 (50) 13±1.731 0-73
HER2 6.486 0.011
    Negative 27 (50.0) 38±12.981 0-145
    Positive 27 (50.0) 13±1.731 0-73
Ki67 activity 4.386 0.223
    Negative 1 (1.9) 13 13
    ≤20% 14 (25.9) 21±7.951 0-145
    >20% 33 (61.1) 14±5.742 0-107
    Unknown 6 (11.1) 58±6.736 12-120
PI3KCA 0.023 0.878
    WT 35 (64.8) 27±10.560 0-145
    MT 19 (35.2) 14±4.897 0-120
PI3KCA p.H1047R 0.450 0.502
    WT 43 (79.6) 22±7.492 0-145
    MT 11 (20.4) 13±18.166 2-120
ERBB1-4 2.111 0.146
    WT 40 (74.1) 21±5.053 0-120
    MT 14 (25.9) 38±28.062 2-145
PI3KCA+ERBB2 2.551 0.110
    WT 30 (55.6) 21±6.148 0-73
    MT 24 (44.4) 36±17.759 0-145
TP53 1.919 0.166
    WT 32 (59.3) 36±12.728 0-145
    MT 22 (40.7) 21±4.612 2-72
Adjuvant CT 1.881 0.597
    Anthracycline based 9 (16.7) 39±26.833 4-145
    Taxol based 4 (7.4) 12±21.000 0-65
    A+T 34 (62.9) 21±10.788 0-120
    No CT 3 (5.6) 14±6.532 6-59
    IV 4 0
Adjuvant ET 17.710 <0.001
    No 24 (44.4) 12±1.220 0-67
    Yes 30 (55.6) 43±6.847 2-145
DFS (months)
    Total 54 21±8.398 0-145
        <12 m 19 (35.2)
        12-24 9 (16.7)
        24-36 3 (5.6)
        >36 23 (66.7)

Note: DFS: disease free survival; ER: estrogen receptor; PR: progesterone receptor; MT: mutation, WT: wild type; A: Anthracycline; T: Taxol; CT: chemotherapy; ET: endocrintherapy; IV: initially advanced disease; If one patients has more than one of same gene mutation but not same site will only count once.