Dependency of glucose (–Gluc) or cysteine/cystine (–C/C) limitation-mediated translation effects on GCN2 and eIF2α. Changes in RP translation under acute Torin-1 treatment (1 μM, 30 min), or acute metabolic perturbations (30 min) in Src-transformed MCF10A cells subjected to negative control siRNA or siRNA targeting (A–C) GCN2 or (D–F) eIF2α (SI Appendix, Fig. S8 A–H for supporting data). Translation changes, measured by TPRT, are relative to normalization factor of non-RP internal controls, and DMSO vehicle control, as described in SI Appendix, Materials and Methods. Fold changes derived as a mean of four (A–C) or three (D–F) biological replicates, each with three technical replicates; error bars denote SEs.