Murine DSS Challenge, Related to Figures 3 and 4
Colonic stromal cells were isolated from age and sex matched Ctrl mice or mice treated with DSS for 7 days.
(A) Ratio of large bowel weight to length by treatment group. Measurements were made post-mortem on study day 7.
(B) A composite score of in-life disease activity measures (comprising weight loss, diarrhea and rectal bleeding) for all treatment groups. Group means are indicated (cross-bars).
(C) An immunologically specialized fibroblast subset analogous to human Stromal 4 is identified in the murine DSS model. Cross-tabulation of human Stromal 4 marker genes against marker genes for the 8 clusters of fibroblast-like cells identified in the DSS dataset. The number of shared markers and p value (Fisher’s Exact Test) are shown. Color scale −log(p value).