Fig. 1.
RERE is expressed in multiple cardiac tissues during development. (A-H) Cardiac sections were prepared from wild-type C57BL/6 embryos at E9.5 (A,B), E10.5 (C,D), E13.5 (E,F) and E15.5 (G,H) and stained using anti-RERE antibodies. Representative images are shown from the analysis of at least nine sections obtained from each of three or more embryos. RERE-positive cells were labeled in magenta and 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI; blue) was used for nuclear staining. Yellow arrows indicate the AV endocardial cushions, white arrows indicate the endocardium and white arrowheads mark the epicardium. Atr, atrium; Ot, outflow tract; Vt, ventricle. Scale bars: 50 µm (B,D), 100 µm (A,C,F,H) or 200 µm (E,G).