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. 2018 Feb 21;1(3):igy002. doi: 10.1093/geroni/igy002

Table 1.

Technologies Selected for Technology Assessment Procedure (TAP)

Domain Technology Complexity Description
Transportation/Mobility Lyft Low (basic smartphone navigation skills required) Mobile trip-requesting app used primarily on smartphones
Health/Wellness Fitbit Moderate (simple interface but requires multiple devices, requires moderate level of health literacy) Wearable device used as an activity tracker
MED-E-LERT Moderate (programming required, increases in difficulty with additional medications) Automatic pill dispenser
eCareCompanion High (optional additional devices to master, requires high level of health literacy) Mobile app accessed on a secure tablet used to share health information with a care team
Socialization/Communication Instagram Low (basic smartphone navigation skills required) Mobile app for photo-sharing and socializing used primarily on smartphones
Recreation/Leisure X-Box High (multiple functions, difficult control scheme) Video gaming console
Lifelong Learning Low (basic Internet navigation skills required) Website with lessons on a variety of topics
Home Support Quicken High (multiple functions, requires high numeric ability) Personal finance management system
Quirky Spotter Multipurpose Sensor Moderate (simple interface but requires multiple devices, multiple functions) Sensor device which monitors room temperature, motion, sound, light, and humidity

Note: Technologies were selected based on potential impacts on quality of life (QoL) and low utilization among older adults. Efforts were made to select technologies diverse in domains covered, type of device/application (smartphone app, website, console, etc.), and complexity.