(A) Representative maximum intensity projection of Z-stacks of cerebral arteries mounted en face and exposed to PSS equilibrated with a normoxic (21% O2, 6% CO2, 73% N2, left panel) or hypoxic gas mixture (5% O2, 6% CO2, 89% N2, right panel) and immunolabeled for 4-HNE (red). Scale bar = 40 µm, nuclei of cells are labeled by DAPI (blue). Acute hypoxia significantly increased 4-HNE immunoreactivity in cerebral arteries (*p<0.05 Student’s t-test, N = 10–9 fields of view from three different experiments). (B) Representative pseudocolored images of cerebral arteries from Tek:Gcamp6f mice mounted en face and exposed to normoxic (left panel) or hypoxic (middle and right panels) PSS in the presence or absence of the selective TRPA1 blocker A967079 (1 µM). Green: active TRPA1 sparklet sites. Scale bar = 20 µm. (C) Representative ΔF/F0 vs. time plots for a single sparklet site showing an increase in TRPA1 sparklet frequency during hypoxia which was significantly inhibited by the TRPA1 blocker A967079. (D) Summary data showing the effects of hypoxia on TRPA1 sparklet frequency (left), site frequency (middle) and number of sites per cell (right) in the presence and absence of the selective TRPA1 inhibitor A967079 (1 µM). (*p<0.05, one-way ANOVA; N = 25–28 – 33 fields of view from six different arteries isolated from six mice). TRPA1 sparklets were recorded in the presence EGTA-AM (10 µM) and CPA (30 µM).
Figure 3—source data 1. Excel spreadsheet containing the individual numeric values of the parameters analyzed in Figure 3.