Fig. 7.
Histopathological examination of the lungs (A1–E1) and lymph nodes (A2–E2) and IHC examination of the lungs (A3–E3). A1–A3, C1–C3, and E1–E3 indicate the normal lungs and lymph nodes. B1 indicates serious bronchopneumonia. B2 indicates serious hemorrhage in the lymph nodes and lymphopenia. Positive staining was detected in B3. D1 indicates milder interstitial pneumonia and lymphoreticulosis, D2 indicates slight lymphoproliferation and milder subcortical hyperplasia. Positive staining was detected in D3. No positive staining was detected in E3. Vac/ChA: Vaccinated + Challenged TJ strain; Unvac/ChA: Challenged TJ strain; Vac/ChB: Vaccinated + Challenged HN 201605 strain; Unvac/ChB: Challenged HN 201605 strain; Mock: challenged with the same dose of PBS.